
  • Is This Going To Be For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 05:16
    1. Is This Going To Be For Mac Mini
    2. Is This Going To Be For Macbook Pro

    Fleetwood Mac Is Reuniting For A Farewell World Tour In 2018 The 'Rumours' are true! “We’re going to start rehearsing in March, next year,” she told host Alex Jones. “The tour is.

    A funny thing happened to the last week. The single Mac model that’s the most long in the tooth surpassed. But this shouldn’t be too surprising to Mac mini fans: that update, in October 2014, was 723 days after the previous Mac mini update, in October 2012. The quad-core Mac mini released in 2012 (and discontinued in 2014) still stands as the fastest Mac mini ever made, since the 2014 models maxed out at two processor cores. What I’m saying is, the Mac mini hasn’t been loved by Apple for a long time.

    And yet it, with no promise of a future update like the one Apple. (“The Mac mini remains a product in our lineup,” said Apple SVP Phil Schiller that day, thereby confirming its existence and nothing more.) So why does the Mac mini remain a product in Apple’s lineup?

    Proof of life? I like to be an optimist when I can muster up the energy for it. The Mac mini serves a useful purpose for Apple that can be dropped into just about any scenario.

    It’s never going to be a huge seller like a MacBook or an iMac, but there are hundreds of different niches for which the Mac mini is suited. I have used Mac minis as servers and as home-theater boxes. I’ve seen them attached to computers in libraries and schools. And, yes, for $499 you can still plug one in to any old keyboard and monitor and get someone to make the switch from Windows to Mac, just the same way Steve Jobs described it when he launched the original model.

    Apple The Mac mini isn’t Apple’s most powerful Mac, but it may be its most versatile. So I’d like to believe that Apple keeps the Mac mini around—on a two- or three-year update cycle—because it’s useful to have it around, but not particularly essential. I’d certainly be sad if it went away, since I’ve had a mid-2011 model running as a home server for the last six years. (For the record, because people inevitably ask: Originally my Mac mini was an email and web server, but I offloaded those functions to dedicated servers outside of my home network many years ago. The current model hosts a huge disk array that I use for backup and archiving of big files, connects to my home weather station and outputs webpages with my weather data, serves as my definitive local iCloud Photo Library repository, and acts as a helpful emergency Mac—via a remote-desktop app such as —in case I’m traveling with only an iPad and get stuck not being able to do something without a Mac handy.) But I don’t think the Mac mini is going away.

    I suspect that at some point we will see a new model based on an updated Intel chipset and supporting Apple’s latest connection technologies—and that model will probably also sit without an update for a few years. This seems to be the Mac mini’s lot in life. The future is NUC I suppose it’s possible that Apple will release a new Mac mini one day in a version of its familiar aluminum enclosure, the same general look it’s had. But once I got a look at an Intel NUC (short for Next Unit of Computing), my belief in a next-generation Mac mini got a lot stronger. Intel Intel’s NUC mini-desktops with 7th Generation chips code-named Kaby Lake will have 4K capabilities.

    Is this going to be for mackenzie ziegler

    The is a miniature PC created by Intel and powered by a tiny 4x4-inch board. Intel sells them in customizable kits. These things are tiny, but powerful—you can get an Intel NUC powered by a modern Intel Core i5 processor, with multiple USB ports, HDMI, ethernet, and even Thunderbolt 3. They’re not particularly attractive to look at—as after he bought one, it’s got colored ports on the front, which is very un-Apple. But leaving aside the ports for a second. These things are complete Intel-based PCs, with solid-state storage and plenty of RAM, and they’re the size of an Apple TV.

    The first time I looked at one, I just knew that this would be the way for Apple to make a new Mac mini that advanced the promise embedded in the name of the product. An entire Mac in the palm of your hand, to do with however you see fit. What a great way to launch a revised Mac mini, allowing Apple to do something more exciting than simply improve the specs on the same old Mac mini enclosure. Do I need my next Mac mini to be the size of an Apple TV? Well, no, but I kind of want it to be that. Do I need my next Mac mini to be the size of an Apple TV? Well, no, but I kind of want it to be that.

    Is This Going To Be For Mac Mini

    (Other people want it too—which is why to.) The Mac mini is never going to be Apple’s top seller. It’s never going to be the center of a major ad campaign. At best, it’s going to be a versatile team player that helps fill out Apple’s lineup of devices, so that the Mac can go anywhere users envision—while the iMac, MacBook, and MacBook Pro serve the vast majority of uses. I still have hope that Apple is planning something small, but great, for the Mac mini. Having a PC that fits in the palm of your hand is great. Having a Mac that does would be even better.

    Is This Going To Be For Macbook Pro

    2016 was a rough year for those of us who love Apple’s desktops. For the past year (and in some cases much longer), Apple’s iMac, Mac mini, and Mac Pro have remained largely untouched. The Pro and mini especially have seen some serious neglect, with the current mini being over two years old and the now ancient Mac Pro just having passed the three year mark. In a recent internal memo to Apple employees, Tim Cook sought to offer reassurance that Apple was committed to desktops, but it’s had the opposite effect. Cook’s memo addressed a number of different topics, but the top of the list was Apple’s perceived lack of interest in desktops.

    His comments are as follows, via TechCrunch: We had a big MacBook Pro launch in October and a powerful upgrade to the MacBook back in the spring. Are Mac desktops strategic for us? The desktop is very strategic for us. It’s unique compared to the notebook because you can pack a lot more performance in a desktop — the largest screens, the most memory and storage, a greater variety of I/O, and fastest performance.

    So there are many different reasons why desktops are really important, and in some cases critical, to people. The current generation iMac is the best desktop we have ever made and its beautiful Retina 5K display is the best desktop display in the world. Some folks in the media have raised the question about whether we’re committed to desktops. If there’s any doubt about that with our teams, let me be very clear: we have great desktops in our roadmap.

    Nobody should worry about that. It sounds like a good pick-me-up for desktop doubters, but Cook’s words are seemingly falling on deaf ears. The major issue with Cook’s comments seems to be that when it comes to desktops, the iMac is the golden child, and the rest are just kind of there. Developer and former CTO of Tumblr, Marco Arment, is even going so far as to predict that the Mac Pro is essentially dead in the water. Reading between the lines: the Mac Pro is very likely dead. To Tim Cook, the iMac is the desktop, period. — Marco Arment (@marcoarment) The same, of course, could be said of the Mac mini, which has been left out of the update cycle nearly as long as the Pro.

    Could Apple kill off one or even both of its not-iMac desktops? Well, it’s difficult to imagine Apple sending both computers out to pasture at the same time, especially since that would mean there would be literally no option for buying any Mac without already screen attached, but Apple’s treatment (or lack thereof) of the Pro and mini are certainly cause for concern. Like most companies, Apple doesn’t make a big show out of ending the life of any of its products. When Apple decides a device has reached the end of its life, it simply moves on eventually that product disappears from Apple’s online store. However, the length of time the Pro in particular has remained on Apple’s shelves without an update may actually be an encouraging sign that the company isn’t ready to do away with it. Whatever the case, both the Pro and mini are far overdue for updates, and it’s about time Apple either breathes some much needed new life into them or sends them packing.

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